Figure 14: Nanoamp current source transfer function (16) Bode plot from MATLAB. There is a qualitative agreement between the Bode plots at low frequencies. Figure 16 shows the Bode plot computed with LTspice. Since complex impedances are involved, it is Transfer Function of the Analog Controller in Figure 3 Based on the circuit shown in Figure 3, vCTLI can be expressed in terms of vset and vtherm. LTspice is also known as SwitcherCAD by the manufacturer. In January 2016 CMOS layout 0.5um for Magic v8.0 was added here. Tests are also included with Voltage transfer curve: P.S.
In January 2015 I was playing with LTspice IV and decided to create a number of reusable blocks of You can see internals of any block and you can use it anywhere.Advanced simulation capabilities include frequency-domain (small signal) simulation, stepping circuit parameters through a range, arbitrary Laplace transfer function blocks, and more.